PROJECTS: Solar Prescription
The Design for Chia Nan University's New Hotel and Incubation building reflects CNU's status as Taiwan's premier institution for the study of Phamarcy, Health, Science and Hospitality This small, trapezoidal site on the South edge of the campus will contain a 100 key "teaching" hotel, a 3,400gsm science/research "idea incubation" facility, and 7,000gsm of restaurants, shops, and amenities organized around a shared outdoor courtyard, and "wrapped" together with a continous "solar veil" made from a perforated metal mesh, which will help to mitigate solar heat gain while providing adequate natural daylight for the various programs. By creating shared entry zones and a shared central courtyard, the goal is to create an environment that enhances the opportunity for cross-fertilization and interaction between the different students, faculty, and vistiors learning, teaching, researching, and visiting the site.